Saturday, May 02, 2020

Hair Clips

We are self-isolating during the plague of Covid-19 virus. For me life is almost as usual with art on the go, writing, cooking and mucking about in our small garden, which has seldom been as neat and tidy.
Margreet has embarked on a horribly difficult jigsaw puzzle of Greater London.
Due to age and lung problems we have managed at last to obtain a supermarket delivery slot. So we have enough to eat and drink.
Just before we voluntarily locked ourselves in, as we were all told anyway, Margreet wanted a hair clip - one of those multi-toothed, fake tortoise shell, sprung clips. Primark sold them, not singly, but many on a card. She bought the cardsworth - at the expected cost of a single clip.
At that time I was sealing up partly used plastic packages of such as dried beans, frozen peas and other things, and clumsily using large paper clips to do it. Then along came those hair clips. They have turned out to be quite wonderful for the clipping together of partly-used plastic bags. I recommend them. 

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